ISO Accreditation
At STP Construction we have received accreditation from the International Organisation of Standardisation (ISO), bringing recognised globally established expert standards into our operations.
ISO 9001 – Quality Management Systems
This accreditation certifies that we have demonstrated the ability to provide a consistent service which meets our customers’ needs and statutory and regulatory requirements, where applicable.
9001 certifies that we have an enhanced ability to anticipate and react to internal and external risks and opportunities, allowing us to develop and deploy processes to integrate improvement operations throughout our organisation.
ISO 14001 – Environmental Management Systems
This accreditation is designed to help reduce environmental impacts, reduce waste and be more sustainable by incorporating environmental issues into our strategic business operations and construction projects.
14001 specifies requirements to enhance our environmental performance, fulfil obligations and achieve our environmental objectives while demonstrating our compliance with current and future legal requirements.
ISO 45001 – Occupational Health & Safety
This accreditation is to recognise that we are committed to improving employee safety and reducing risks in the workplace, thereby creating safer working conditions for employees and site visitors.
45001 with the input of experts in more than 70 countries adopts a risk-based approach to ensure the accreditation continues to be effective and therefore undergoes continual improvement. This certification sets a minimum standard of practice throughout the organisation in order to protect employees worldwide while meeting all legal and regulatory requirements. ISO 45001 includes SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) registration and certification which facilitates mutual acknowledgement between health and safety pre-qualification schemes.